1. The manuscript is original and previously unpublished paper, result of field research, case studies.
  2. The manuscript should be submitted in Microsoft Word.
  3. The manuscript should be written either in Indonesian or English
  4. The manuscript uses bodynotes using Mendeley or Zotero application.
  5. The manuscript must pass Turnitin Check with a maximum of 20% similarity


  1. First part: title, full name, email, affiliation, abstract, and keywords.
  2. Main part: introduction, methods, findings, and discussion.
  3. Last part: conclusions (concluding remarks) and references.


  1. The title is capitalized, bolded, single-spaced, font Californian FB, 14pt, Bold, Max. 15 Words
  2. The author(s)’ name is written under the title without any title, may not be abbreviated, begun with a capital letter. The writing order started from the first author followed by the second, third, and so on.
  3. Email addresses are written under the author(s)’ name and affiliation(s)


The abstract must reflect overall substance of the article content. It Abstract is written concisely and factually, including the purpose of research, objectives, research subjects, research location, the method of research, the result and conclusion of research. Abstract is written in English and Indonesian, in account between 150 – 250 words in one paragraph, font California FB 10pt. Abstract writing in English must use italics.


Keywords represent basic ideas or substance of the article which allow readers to find it easily. These can be drawn from the research variables, the characteristics of the subjects, and the referenced theories (a minimum of three words or combinations of words, arranged in alphabetical order and separated using semicolons). Keywords should be between 3-5 words.


The introduction presents the research background, related previous studies, the differences from previous studies that highlight the novelty of the research, and the objectives of the writing. It should include a brief general background of the study, literature review, gap analysis, and statement of novelty. References should be cited using Mendeley or Zotero. 


This section explains the research methods used, including the research approach, type of research, data analysis techniques, and scientific reasons for their implementation. The explanation should be operational and provide references for relevant terms.


This section contains results of the data analysis. The results of analyzed data should be integrally presented along with the analysis. The results section presents the findings of the research, while the discussion section interprets these findings, relates them to previous studies, and discusses their implications. Tables, charts, and figures should be meaningful and easy to understand, numbered sequentially, and referred to according to APA 7th edition guidelines. 


This section should critically explore the research findings, how the findings are related to the previous studies, and the relevance of literature/sources. This section allows you to present a substantial interpretation of the results of the analysis and comparison with previous studies based on a review of relevant, the most recent, and the main literature of the past 5 years. This section should not be a repetition of the introduction and results section.


The conclusion should summarize the key findings, answer the research objectives, and discuss the theoretical implications. It should be concise and in paragraph form, not using bullet points or numbering. This section must be written in paragraph (not numerical or bullet points). It should state the findings’ synthesis concluded from data analysis and discussion.


All of the references mentioned in this section must be cited in the article and vice versa. The references are from the last 5 years of national/international reputable journals. The references are arranged based on alphabetical order. Reference lists are written in American Psychological Association (APA) style 7th edition. Using reference manager application (e.g., Zotero, Mendeley, etc.) is strongly recommended to organize the citation and references. References should be from primary sources, with a minimum of 70% from scholarly journals and 30% from other sources. At least 15 references are required, arranged in alphabetical order.

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