Analysis of Online Buying and Selling Using Dropshipping System in the Perspective of Contemporary Muamalah Fiqh


  • Ahmad Asron Mundofi Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Siti Marya Ulfa Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Eko Prayetno Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University, Indonesia
  • La Ode Musaldin Monash University, Melbourne, Australia



Online Buying and Selling, Contemporary Islamic Jurisprudence, Dropshipping


This research aims to analyze online buying and selling practices using a dropshipping system. Dropshipping is a sale method where the seller or dropshipper does not need to store the goods being sold. In this system, the dropshipper determines the price of goods that are not owned, then after receiving an order from the buyer, the dropshipper buys the goods from the supplier and immediately sends them to the buyer at the set price, taking advantage of the difference between the purchase price and the selling price. This research employed a descriptive qualitative approach with a normative approach. The research results showed that the dropshipping system in online buying and selling has fulfilled the requirements for legal buying and selling according to the rules of Islamic law. In its implementation, online dropshipping buying and selling used two contracts, namely salam contract and the wakalah contract, with change to the ijab and qabul processes. According to the original law, the practice of dropshipping can be prohibited (haram) since it has the potential to contain usury nasi'ah for ribawi goods and sale transactions before ownership for non-ribawi goods. The proposed syar'i solution for dropshipping practices includes the change to the ijab qobul process, implementing wakalah bil ujroh (where the dropshipper acts as a representative of the consumer), and using the concept of ba'i salam. However, the last solution was considered less preferable since the capital was not handed over at the beginning of the contract.


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How to Cite

Mundofi, A. A., Ulfa, S. M., Prayetno, E., & Musaldin, L. O. (2024). Analysis of Online Buying and Selling Using Dropshipping System in the Perspective of Contemporary Muamalah Fiqh. Al-Aghniya: Journal of Syariah Business Management, 1(1), 11–21.

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